八月底就開始想教師節該打 個甚麼給兩小的老師, 覺得簡單大方的蕾絲圍巾應該不錯, 於是選了蕾絲緞帶圍巾給 mini 老師, 彎曲藤蔓圍巾給蘇老師. 兩條都是用 Baruffa Cashwool 來打, mini 老師是破曉藍 (帶一點點灰的淡藍色), 蘇老師的是珍珠粉 (帶一點點粉橘的淡粉紅). Baruffa Cashwool 線非常細是一般蕾絲線的一半, 所以一重量平分藍色的捲成四球, 粉紅色的捲成三球來打.
Top and botton left: Miss Mini's Lace Ribbon Scarf; top and bottom right: Miss Su's Meandering Vines Scarf.
左上與下: mini 老師的蕾絲緞帶圍巾; 右上與下: 蘇老師的彎曲藤蔓圍巾.
After the scarves were finishd, I started to fret over the packaging, for I forgot to go to the packaging store for pretty little paper bags! But I remembered the Little Ditty Bag I saw dear Linda made, which I was thinking about making one for Scarlett, so I made one for Scaralett first as a test knit to see the result. The little bag came our very nicely so I crocheted two, both two-colored, for packing the lace scarves. It is an easy and quite addictive pattern, so afterwards, I made another two, that's five in total and I had to stop. I didn't want to cause carpal tunnel syndrome for my right wrist was quite sore.
圍巾玩成後又開始為了禮物的包裝傷腦筋, 因為忘記去包裝材料行看漂亮的紙袋或紗網袋. 好在之前看到這個針線袋一直想鈎個給若玩, 於是先測試性鈎一個給若, 覺得效果不錯, 於是做了兩個裝蕾絲圍巾. 這小袋很可愛, 容易鈎也容易上癮, 所以後來又鈎了兩個, 前後共五個. 應該是不能再鈎了, 得休息, 因為手腕很痠, 不想腕隧道症候群發作.
Top left: Scarlett's tiny 7.5cm x 7.5cm ditty; top right: Miss Mini's 12.5cm x 14.5cm ditty in black and blue, Miss Su's 12cm x 12cm ditty in cherry and pink; bottom left: 10cm x 10cm ditty in black; bottom right: 8cm x 8cm ditty in orange.
左上: 若的桃紅小小袋 7.5 公分 x 7.5 公分; 右上: mini老師的藍黑雙色小袋 12.5 公分 x 14.5 公分, 蘇老師的櫻桃粉紅小袋 12 公分 x 12 公分; 左下: 黑色小袋 10 公分 x 10 公分; 右下: 粉橘段染小袋 8 公分 x 8 公分.
Left: Miss Mini's ditty with her Lace Ribbon Scarf; right: Miss Su's ditty with her Meandering Vines Scarf.
左: mini 老師的小袋與蕾絲緞帶圍巾; 右: 蘇老師的小袋與彎曲藤蔓圍巾
I haven't decided if I'm keeping the black one or gift it, for my Summer Flies shawlette was knitted using the same Lana Grossa Gala. The ditty was made from the leftover. As to the orange mohair ditty, it is being used as my notions bag now but I might gift it later. We'll see!
我還沒決定黑色小袋要送人還是自用, 因為是用與夏日飛逝小披肩同種線鈎的. 粉橘毛海小袋現在正裝著編織用的小物, 也還沒決定要送人還是自用, 看看吧!
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