A peacock lace border tip was not smoothed out on the lower left hand side
神祕長披肩 4 - 意外的發現
開始日期: 2008/9/5
完成日期: 2008/10/14 (2009/9/13 完成平針縫接)
圖樣: 神祕長披肩意外 4 - 意外的發現長披肩與襪 by Georgina Bow Logsdon
線材: Kolka 極細羊毛線
顏色: #1 藍綠色
針碼: 3.3mm (日規 4 號)
尺寸: 165 公分 x 50 公分
Mystery Stole 4 - Serendipity
Start date: 2008/9/5
Finish date: 2008/10/14 (2009/9/13 finished grafting)
Pattern: Mystery Stole 4 - Serendipity Stole and Socks by Georgina Bow Logsdon
Yarn: Kolka Series M
Color: #1 Blue Green
Needle: 3.3mm (JAP #4)
Size: 165cm x 50cm
The lace and beading motifs on the two ends
Beautifully designed motif shown with lace
Center lace and beading pattern
這條披肩去年九月跟著神祕長披肩 4 的群織會一起織, 十月中完成. 披肩分為兩半, 由兩頭往中間織, 特別的是, 它的設計是利用蕾絲洞和珠珠來組成花樣, 而且兩半縫接處不是正中央, 一半比較長, 一半比較短.
I started knitting with the Mystery Stole 4 - Serendipity KAL last September and finished the clues in mid October. It was knitted from the ends toward the center and then grafted together, although the spot where you graft was not the exact center. What's really special about this stole is that the motif design is formed by lace and beading, truly exquisite.
十一個月前織好兩半, 卻遲遲未縫接, 實在是因為縫接是我的罩門哪! 當時我把網路上能找到清楚且附分解動作照片的平針縫接教學都看過 n 遍, 就是沒辦法動手. 披肩的設計師自己有一套平針縫接方法, 也有教大家怎麼做, 說她的方式比較容易, 一目了然, 但我卻越看越花...
Although the knitting was finished 11 months ago but it was never done for I couldn't get myself to graft the pieces together for grafting was my Achille's heel. I read all the step by step pictorial tutorials online but just couldn't do it. Georgina, the MS4 designer, has her own way of doing it, which she said would easier to understand and execute, and taught us how to, but I was as confused as ever...
最近發現有幾件半成品想要完成, 才又會把意外的發現長披肩再拿出來準備縫接. 其實, 是在打另一件半成品花園蕾絲披肩時, 忽然覺得我可以平針縫接 (花園蕾絲披肩也是由兩邊往中間打再縫接起來), 打完後就憑著感覺縫接起來, 只是, 我接成了上針, 後來拆掉, 好好的把 knitty.com 上的平針縫接教學看一遍, 重新來一次才 OK. 於是, 要縫接意外的發現長披肩時就更有把握了.
Recently I wanted to finished a few UFOs, that was when I took out Serendipity for grafting. Actually, it was while I was knitting Gossamer Garden Stole when all of a sudden I felt I was ready to graft. So I grafted Gossamer Garden Stole
縫接完畢心裡覺得真是高興, 完成兩個半成品, 正在看剛縫接完的披肩時覺得怪怪的, 為何中間會有一整排的珠珠呢? 看了半天才恍然大悟: 我接錯邊了! 把一半的中間和另一半的起頭接在一起啦! 為何會這樣? 又說來話長.
I was so happy when I finshed grafting Serendipity but when I lookd at it and found it looking odd: I grafted one center to one end! And how did this happen? Another long story...
當初起針時設計師用一般起針法, 因為是打蕾絲披肩, 完成後要下水定型, 一般起針法怕彈性不夠, 影響定型, 於是我用別線起針, 打完後再來套收. 設計師有告訴過我不需要這樣, 直接起針即可. 我為何會有這樣的疑慮? 因為在歐美流行的神秘群織會, 不到最後不知道東西會長怎樣, 例如一個群織會打披肩, 一開始會說明披肩型狀, 大約呎吋, 所需線量及其他 (例如珠珠的量要多少), 且織圖會分很次給, 一星期給一部分, 再加上這個群織會織的披肩設計與重不同, 所以當時大家打的時候問題很多呢.
Serendipity used cable cast-on, but since we were knitting a lace stole, some of us in the KAL were concerned that it wouldn't be elastic enough for the final blocking. Georgina assured us and confirmed that cable cast-on would be fine, but still...it was a Mystery KAL, no one would know how the whole thing would look like until someone finish knitting it. Anyway, I used provisional cast-on and was going to cast-off later. And that's why I grafted one center to one end. Should've cast-off ages ago. Georgina did told me to do so long ago. Should've listen to the designer!
沒辦法一定要拆, 重新縫接. 第二次縫接到最後剩 1/4 時發現, 頭上 1/3 處少了一個步驟所以有個大洞, 只得退回去, 再來一次. 第三次縫接到完都 OK. 但是在量定型前尺寸時, 因為線頭都還沒有收, 一手將量好的披肩拿起來, 腳卻踩到縫收的線頭, 那條線因為拆了好幾次有些地方也比較鬆了, 結果在後 1/3 處斷掉! 只好把後 1/3 拆掉, 再重接. 真是一波四折. 為了避免夜長夢多, 當天趕快就下水定型.
So I had to redo it. When there was 1/4 left the second time, I found a hole at the first 1/3 where I left out a step and a hole was formed...had to unravel and do it again. The third time was fine. I took pictures before blocking and when I was picking up the stole I stepped on the the grafting yarn tail, since I ripped and grafted several times the yarn was a little worn at some parts, and it BROKE OFF at about 1/3 from the end of row! Ripped off AGAIN the latter 1/3 and REGRAFTED AGAIN! 4 grafting for one stole...to avoid further complications, I blocked the stole right away.
披肩定型後寬度只有 50 公分, 並不寬, 不過圍著 60 公分寬的春之鬱金香去過巴黎後發現, 這種寬度果然適合國外氣候用. 台灣氣候要的話一定要寬一點, 60+ 公分, 當披肩披時背才不會一半在外面還是很冷, 窄一點就只能折起來當圍巾用, 那還要看用的線夠不夠細, 不夠細當圍巾就會厚重, 怕不舒服或太悶熱. 要不然就得打窄一點, 真的當圍巾打, 不能做披肩打囉.
After blocking the stole it was only 50cm at width, not very wide, this is due to the wool laceweight yarn I use and the pattern was not extendable. After wearing 60cm wide Spring Tulips Stole to Paris, I realized that, really, 40~60cm width stoles are sufficient for the weather there. But in Taiwan, it has to be wider (60+cm, it will enlongate while in use), for when it's cold enough to use a stole, you want your whole back covered or the lower back will be chilly. If the stole is not wide enough to cover the whole back, it could be folded up and used as a scarf, but the stole itself should be knitted prefereably with thinner yarn (laceweight), if not it might be too bulky and uncomfortable around the neck.