This is Cassandra. Marie Adeline Boyer's latest. It's not done yet, not quite, but it will be. Real soon. I promise.
MA's Cassandra is my saviour. I was suffering from a nasty cold and was too tired and weak to knit anything. When I saw MA modeling Cassandra on Raverly, my eyes widened immediately for I have just the yarn and cause for this pretty shawl. It is a real pick-me-up! Years ago I bought 2 cakes approximatley 250 grams of these hand-dyed fingering weight 80/20 cotton/silk in apple green and planned to knit into a summery top, which never happened, of course. And I'm almost sure it will not happen. For they are even better if knitted into this lovely Cassandra! So, I fished the cakes of out my yarn chest, assembled my Knit Picks Harmony Wood Interchangeables with US6 needle heads and cast on. I was so quick, even I haven't been knitting the same overall patterned shawl for quite some time. And I am now 7 reps out of the 8 reps chart B called for.
Leaf motif
Leaf motif, you can see the buds!
As to the yarn, I really don't know the brand and such. It was dyed by a local knitter here. She bought undyed yarns in bulk off eBay UK and hand painted herself. I don't even know the yardage. And I'm too lazy to calculate! Anyway, 2 cakes 250 grams is suffice to a simple short sleeve top. It is very loosely spun with 5 strands of 2 plies. Have to be very careful while knitting so as not to pick up any single 2 ply strands, which will then stick out real ugly. Although wet blocking does not change the size of the finishing shawl, but it will help smooth out uneveness and loose picked single strands. That is the single not so good thing I can say about this yarn.