This is an antique camphor chest. My great aunt brought it to Taiwan with her from Shanghai more than 60 sixty years ago. And this is where I keep my yarn stash.
這隻樟木箱是六十幾年前姨婆從上海帶過來的, 也是我存放毛線的地方.
New lace yarns my mother bought from her visit to Beijing in summer 2010
Angelo Merino/Acrylic Lace
One ball of gray heather lace was knitted into Lace Ribbon Scarf for Tina.
一球中灰夾花打了蕾絲緞帶圍巾給 Tina.
Alps Merino/Acrylic Lace
Nuan Nuan Merino/Cashmere Lace
Hengyuanxiang Lace Merino
Above 2 look really like sock yarns...but my mother specifically designated these to be knitted into garments for the twins...
這兩組真的很像襪線, 不過老媽指定要給兩小打衣服用.
From dear Kathy, my pal from ISE 6
國際圍巾交換 6 的密友 Kathy 送的
This might turn into a cowl...
The 2 skeins of On Your Toes with Aloe Vera Margaret brought me. The blue/lavender turned into Triton Socks; the purple/navy blue Edwardian Boating Socks.
託瑪姐買的襪線. 藍子段染成了特里同襪, 紫蘭段染成了愛德華風划船襪.
Malabrigo Lace in Azul Profundo and Tuareg
Malabrigo 蕾絲深藍和圖瓦雷克
One skein of the Tuareg turned into Sur un petit nuage scarf.
2 batches of Malabrigo Lace in Emerald
2 批不同缸號的 Malabrigo 蕾絲祖母綠
Malabrigo Lace in Natural and Marine
Malabrigo 蕾絲線自然色和海藍
The Henyuanxiang lace yarn DH bought
The aubergine was knitted into Mandala for my grandmother and the red was knitted into Mandala II for my mother. Several balls were gifted to Heather and Margaret.
紫色的打了條曼陀羅給外婆, 紅色的打了給媽媽的曼陀羅二代. 另送了幾球紅的給 Heather 和瑪姐.
The burgundy was going to turn into Spiders Web Shawl but I frogged. The grayish blue was knitted into Seascape.
酒紅牧童牌絲毛海本來打蜘蛛網披肩, 前後打了一年 (中間有八九個月沒動), 最後拆了. 灰藍的打了條海景披肩.
Rowan Kidsilk Night
Rowan 銀蔥絲毛海
Celia gifted me these. I love them so much! She was so sweet for she knew I'd like to have some Rowan Kidsilk. These turned into Gossemar Garden Stole.
Celia 知道我想要 Rowan Kidsilk 想很久了. 這三球是貼心的她送我的. 這三球成了花園蕾絲披肩.
Kolka Pure Wool Lace in turquoise, olive and white
Kolka 純羊毛極細線藍綠, 秋香, 白
Knitted Serendipity Stole with turquoise and sent Heather several balls. Olive was knitted into Kanzashi Stole and several balls were gifted to Lan. White was knitted into Este Park Stole.
藍綠色的打了一條神祕的發現披肩, 又送了幾球給 Heather. 秋香的打了古簪披肩, 送了幾球給春藍姐. 白的打了條艾斯特斯公園披肩.
Cotton and silk blend fingering in blue, green and pink
80/20 棉絲中細線藍綠粉
Thought of knitting the above into summery tops. That never happened!
買的時候想拿來打夏天的上衣. 到目前為止都還收在樟木箱裡沒動!
Pure wool handpainted variegated sport
純羊毛手染卡其紫段染, 藍粉綠段染
They will turn into cardigans, as I planned years ago when they were bought. Still no idea what to knit for these are variegated yarns and I don't want to spoil a good design with noisy colors.
好多年前買時就打算好要拿來打開襟外套, 到現在還不知道要打哪件. 實在不想段染線花花的顏色壞了一個好設計.
Merino/angora/cashmere handpainted variegated DK
Those were knitted into cardigans and berets. Each color have yarn left for a vest.
這兩組各已被拿來打一件開襟外套和貝雷帽, 剩下的線還可以打件背心.
Baruffa Cashwool in pearly pink, morning sky blue and peach
Baruffa Cashwool 美麗諾蕾絲線珍珠粉, 晨空藍, 桃紅
The pearly pink has turned into Meandering Vines Scarf for Miss Su while the morning sky blue turned into Lace Ribbon Scarf for Miss Mini.
珍珠粉的打成蘇老師的彎彎藤蔓蕾絲圍巾, 晨空藍打成 mini 老師的蕾絲緞帶圍巾.
(L) 2 skeins of Silk Maiden in Paris (R) 1 skein of Sea Silk in Rose Garden
(左) 2 絞巴黎 Silk Maiden (右) 1 絞玫瑰園 Sea Silk
500g of Mondial Prima in Blue
一磅藍色 Mondial Prima
I planned to use this for Iced but figured I didn't have enough yarn and I didn't like the result either. Then, I tried to knit Shalom with it but ripped after a few rows. Now it's resting in my project bag waiting....
本來要拿這組來打 Iced 但打到一半發現線會不夠, 拆掉後打 Shalom, 打了幾排也拆掉. 現在躺在毛線袋中等待適合它的 project.
Hengyuanxiang fingering weight merinos in yellow and pink
Hengyuanxiang fingering weight merinos in ivory
The above three were used in knitting the Fair Isle vests for the twins.
Hengyuanxiang fingering weight merinos in spring green and pink