This is my last skein of On Your Toes with Aloe Vera and the darkest in color. I didn't realize how dark it is until I start knitting but the colors are truly beautiful. And as the last pair of socks, I asked for pattern suggestions. This time I chose Mary's Edwardian Boating Socks, for its different pattern stitches.
這是最後一球含蘆薈的襪線, 也是顏色最深的一球. 本來不覺得深直到開打後, 但顏色很美. 這雙一樣是請眾姊妹建議, 本次採 Mary 建議的愛德華風划船襪. 選它是因為模樣非常與眾不同.
I was about to CO when I read about knitting the "arrow" from Ravelry. A fellow knitter's description almost made me give up the pattern. I CO anyway and soon found that I worried too much. The "arrow" was actually not fuss at all!
要開打時在 Ravelry 上看到一位織女說那個 "箭頭" 有多複雜多難打, 讓我差點打退堂鼓. 當然我已經先看過織圖了並不覺有甚麼難的. 所以還是開打了, 等打到 "箭頭" 時發現一切都水到渠成理所當然, 很容易的!
The pattern on the front (r) and back (l) of the leg is different. 襪筒前(左)後(右)模樣排列不同
It was the heel pattern that made me want to knit this sock. I like it a lot.
Linen stitch heel 麻布模樣腳跟
The toe was grafted but I think it wouldn't make too much of a difference if you just pull the yarn through all the remaining stitches.
襪子由襪筒開始往下打, 腳趾是縫收的, 不過看起來跟把線穿過剩下的活針目拉緊好像沒兩樣!
Grafted toe 縫收腳趾
The toe and partial instep 腳趾和腳背模樣