九月一個風大的早上, 我圍著珀西小披肩(當圍巾用)送兩小去幼稚園, Mini 老師看到了喜歡得不的了. 從 Mini 老師的幼教部落格上知道老師和兩小一樣是魔羯座, 於是偷偷向蘇老師打聽 Mini 老師的生日, 是一月某日. 於是決定用 Mini 老師喜歡的橘色打條珀西小披肩給老師當生日禮物.
I ordered the yarn and sent it to dear Mary's sister's house before Mary went to the States. She was so sweet to bring it back for me, among other things.
親愛的瑪莉十月去美國前就下單買了線 (和其他東西) 寄到瑪莉的姊解家, 再請瑪莉帶回來.
So I had plenty of time to knit with this glorious Knit Picks Gloss Lace, and with previous experience, I know that knitting Percy slow is the key to success. I did not rip one row. Unravelled a few stitches only. YAY!
因此, 這次有充裕的時間用這組 KP 的 Gloss 蕾絲線慢慢打珀西. 根據上次經驗, 打珀西不能急. 這次都沒有拆, 頂多改幾針. 耶~
The shawlette was started and finished in December. I didn't block it right away and when I did, I found that 1 stith was dropped while binding off. It was really bizarre. I thought if a stitch was dropped the bind-off process would be interrupted. Anyway, I ripped the BO and redid it, making sure I got every stitch, and block it again.
小披肩十二月開打十二月完成, 不過沒有馬上定型. 定型時發現收針時有一針沒收到. 很奇怪. 如果沒收到, 後面的針也應該收不起來吧? 反正, 就是把針再打開重收一次, 再重新定型.
It was perfect!
I was amazed how KP Gloss presented the pattern. It was so crisp and well-defined.
KP 的 Gloss 蕾絲線打作品真的很美, 充分展現蕾絲花, 且花樣分明清晰.
Ms. Mini was thrilled! She was going to show it off to her friends!
Mini 老師超開心的說要去跟朋友炫耀!