And then it hit me.
Knitted flowers!
I had to knit up something for Scarlett to put on her backpack for identification. She and Sebastian has the same kind of backpack. There were two little knitted bears attached to the zipper but they were torn. So, I fished out some leftover yarn and the Bouquet 2009 diary calendar I got from ISE7 Kathy, and started to knit some roses .
Cabbage Rose. This is for Scarlett's backpack.
Ruffle Rose
Cabbage Roses
A bunch of roses
The above roses took me an afternoon to make. And then I remembered the two skeins of pure mohair tonals which should be very nice for knitting roses. So, more roses were produced. Roses are really easy to knit and really gratifying. Although I suck at sewing, all these roses required sewing to set the spiral shape, still they are pretty to look at.
Cabbage Rose, Scallop Rose, Ruffle Rose and American Beauty Rose (twisted).
American Beauty Rose, Ruffle Rose, Scallop Rose, Cabbage Rose
I was going to knit a draw string bag with the a little over a skein gray heather wool yarn leftover from Oblique and felt it and then sew the mohair roses on. Eventually, I got over the rose bug. Anyway, next time when I got stuck between projects, maybe I can knit up the drawstring bag!