When I picked up this ball of sock yarn, I asked for pattern suggestions from my knitter friends, although I have saved lots of socks patterns. I chose this one suggested by Margaret for it's simple, no fuss, appealing pattern.
隨手從樟木箱中拿出這球襪線, 上來請眾姊妹建議織圖, 雖然自己已經收集了很多襪子織圖. 特里同是瑪姐推薦的幾個織圖之一. 很快就決定打這雙是看上它簡單大方易織的三叉戟蕾絲花. 特里同是希臘神話中海神波賽頓的兒子, 手持的武器就是三叉戟. 這雙襪子因蕾絲模樣形似三叉戟而命名為特里同.
What's different is that this is my first pair of socks with Eye of Partridge heel. I saw dear Marie Adeline did it on a pair of socks designed by herself and have been wanting to knit that heel. Actually, it was the heel that made me chose the pattern.
這雙襪與以往打的不同處是腳跟, 不是常見的滑針 + 下針而是鷓鴣眼模樣. 之前看到 Marie Adeline 自己設計的襪子上運用這種腳跟花, 就很想打來穿穿看. 其實, 會選這雙來打就是因為這個腳跟!
Eye of Partridge heel 鷓鴣眼腳跟
Eye of Partridge heel 鷓鴣眼腳跟
For unknow reasons, I CO with larger 2.25mm needles. Maybe I thought my feet would feel more comfortable around my protruding joins of thumb phalange and metatarsus. It does! And I changed back to smaller 2mm needles for knitting the remainder of the socks.
不知為何, 用了 2.25mm (而非 2mm) 起針. 也許我覺得這樣打出來會稍微鬆些, 穿在我突出的大拇指根部骨頭部位會舒服些. 真的也! 等過了那塊骨頭就換回 2mm 的針打.
The lace pattern was really nice and easy to knit. I don't think I've ever enjoyed knitting socks as much as this pair.
三叉戟蕾絲花簡單易織易記. 這雙襪子是我打得最愉快的一次.
The first half of the feet was knitted with larger needles 腳底前半是用較大號的針打的
Recently I learned that a longer heel flap can better fit higher instep. I've knitted quite some socks, more than a dozen so far, and I really want to try a longer heel flap and see how it fits. Actually, I think not only it might feel better but also easier to put on. I found pulling up knitted socks a little difficult, cuff-down or toe-up, all the same. At first I thought it was the elasticity of the cuff. Now I think it's the heel flap, for the socks kind of got stuck at the heel while being put on.
最近發現腳跟如果打長點對腳背高的人來說會比較好穿. 打了超過一打的襪子, 無論打鬆打緊, 趾起筒下, 在襪子要過腳跟時一定會卡一下. 以前一直認為是襪頭鬆緊度不夠的關係, 現在看來是因為我腳背高, 腳跟不夠長的關係. 下一雙要來打個長一點的腳跟...
It is obvious that the sock stretches/strains at the front of the ankles 腳踝前方的襪子撐得很黑厲害
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