I absolutely loved these mitts when I first saw the pattern. The severe cold of this winter pushed me to make some mitts and finally, I own a pair of these.
第一次看到之圖時就很喜歡這雙手套. 今年冬天特冷逼得我不得不打幾雙手套來禦寒, 於是我終於有了這雙漂亮的手套.
I have more than 2 balls of yarns leftover from Un peu de chance Cardigan and Toasty mitts but in 2 dye lots. I wanted to use the darker lot which has more than 1 ball. So I CO with it and hoped I could make these mitts a one skein project.
一點好運開襟外套和暖融融手套剩了 2 球多的線, 但有 2 個不同缸號, 其中 1 球比較白. 本來想把這雙手套當作是一球可完成的作品, 所以用量多較深的線起針.
Unfortunately, I figured that on skein project wasn't possible, so I used the paler ball for the palm turn-down hem. When I was finising the second mitt, all of a sudden I felt relectant the way I knitted the mitts.
很不幸地, 第一隻快打完時發現想要只用一球線打完一雙手套是不可能的, 所以用了腳白的線打手掌的摺邊. 第二隻快完成時, 忽然覺得不喜歡這樣的配法.
I ripped both mitts, knitted the turn-down hems and lace bands with the paler ball, and the stockinette stitch main body with the darker one. They turned out beautifully.
我把兩隻手套都拆掉重打. 這次用較白的打手腕和手掌的摺邊和蕾絲部分, 主體平針的部分用深色的打. 最後效果很好.
The turn-down hems were meant to be sewn down after the mitts are done. I'm lazy and reluctant to sew, especially afterwards, so this is what I did: turned the wrist hem inside and knitted with the live mitt sts (1st row of the Lace Panel); turned the palm hem inside and BO the live sts with corresponding sts using a crochet hook.
摺邊應是手套完成後向內摺再縫起來. 我很懶, 又不喜歡縫, 尤其打完了才縫, 所以我的偷懶做法是: 打完手腕摺邊就先向內摺, 把針上的活目和對應的起針目打在一起 (剛好是蕾絲部分的第 1 圈); 手掌的摺邊打好也向內摺, 用鈎針把針上的活目和對應的織片目鈎在一起收針.
I also made some modifications: I used smaller needles knitting the turn-down hem and knitted 5 rows before and after the yo k2tog row for a longer, tighter, flater and neater hem.
同時還做了些修改: 用小號針打折邊, 且洞眼圈前後各打 5 圈平針 (原作是 4 圈). 這樣折邊稍長一點, 針目較緊實整齊, 摺起來較平不愛翹.