Modelled front
開始日期: 2009/4/16
完成日期: 2009/8/31
圖樣: Oblique by Véronik Avery
線材: CLS Pure Wools
顏色: #66 中麻灰
針碼: 4.5mm (日規 8 號)
Start date: 2009/4/16
Finish date: 2009/8/31
Pattern: Oblique by Véronik Avery
Yarn: CLS Pure Wools
Color: #66 Medium Heather Gray
Needle size: 4.5mm (JAP #8)
Modelled profile
本來以為這外套可以在六月中去巴黎前打完, 但是近端午時天氣已經開始熱, 外套打不下去, 開始打去巴黎要用的春之鬱金香披肩 , 所以到出發前還剩一隻袖子. 回來後毛線都不想碰, 直到搬到暫住處才又把剩下的袖子打完.
I thought I could finished the cardigan before my trip to Paris in mid June. By the end of May the weather was getting warmer and warmer and I couldn't stand knitting a cardigan any more, and I wanted to knit a stole for the Paris trip so badly, by the time I was leaving for Paris, there was still one sleeve left to knit. After returning from Paris, I didn't even want to touch yarn, until we moved out of the apartment, which was going to be refurnished, then did I managed to finished the sleeve.
第一次縫接織片時是用勾針以鎖針縫合, 結果太緊了點, 接縫不漂亮. 等道領子也打好時, 就把接縫拆開, 第二次就用隱型縫的方式, 結果好多了. 但是, 我縫得不夠密, 只要用一點力拉接縫就會看到縫隙, 只好再把四邊拉克蘭的部分再拆開重新縫密一些, 就好多了. 至於脇邊和袖下就沒有縫第三次, 不知是否因為接縫兩邊是桂花針, 雖然縫得不夠密但是用點力拉開接縫好像沒有縫那麼大. 這件外套剛打好時覺得結果還算可以, 只是織片縫接前我沒有各別把它們定型到應有的尺寸, 因為暫住處不方便所致.
I crocheted the pieces together the first time sewing up and it turned out bad for I crocheted too tight. After I finished the collar, I ripped out the seams and used matress seam which had a much better result. BUT, I sewn loosely, so when pulled on the seams were gaping. So I ripped out the raglan seams and sewn them a little tighter. I didn't ripped out the sleeves and sides the third time, for the Moss Stitch pattern seems to pull the seams tight together somehow...Anyway, the gap wasn't as large. When the cardigan was finished, I felt fine with the outcome, although I didn't really block the pieces to measurement before sewing together, because it wasn't very convenient where we're staying during the refurnishment.
縫接好後又擱置了好久, 直到綠牛仔先生完成需要配扣子, 才順便把斜斜也帶去配. 終於可以票漂亮亮見人了. 配扣子前, 我用蒸氣重新定型斜斜, 前後差很多...第二次定型有用濕手怕蓋在上面烘, 且有用定型鋼線好好拉開, 第一次定型拉不開說. 也許有第一次直接在織片上蒸氣烘過, 所以第二次比較拉得開? 總之, 現在的結果比之前的結果令人滿意太多啦!
After the seaming, it was left along for another while until Mr. Greenjeans was finished and needed a button, then did I took Oblique along for button shopping. Before sewing on the button I re-steam-blocked it. It made a GREAT difference, this time. This time I put a damp handkerchief on top of the knitting while steaming, and I used blocking wires to really block the garment into measurement. I couldn't block into measurement the first time, maybe because I steamed directly over the knitting the first time which facilitate the second blocking? Anyway, I am so pleased with the result!
Second blocking
First blocking
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