
Lace Vest for Sebastian 小謙的蕾絲背心

開始日期: 2009/12/18
完成日期: 2009/12/23
圖樣: 採一塊半開襟外套右前片花樣
線材: Mondial Prima 100% 美麗諾
顏色: 116 果綠色
針碼: 4mm (日規 6 號)

Lace Vest

Start date: 2009/12/18
Finish date: 2009/12/23
Pattern: Adapted from the right front of Dollar and a Half Cardigan by Veronik Avery
Yarn: Mondial Prima 100% merino
Color: 116 Apple Green
Needle: 4mm (JAP 6)

打完小若的蕾絲背心, 知道鬆緊度可能不對, 打小謙的背心時要多算幾針, 且要多幾個重複, 畢竟小謙穿那麼合身會很好笑! 兩件背心打的長度一樣, 但小謙比小若矮 4~5 公分, 所以小謙的背心穿起來感覺長很多, 不過, 誰曉得這一年他會不會忽然找很高很快呢?

Experience from knitting Scarlett's lace vest is that the gauge was off, that I have to add a few more stitches and thus several more pattern repeats in Sebastian's vest, for Seba will certainly look very funny if wearing a fitted vest like Scarlett's. The two vests are of the same length, but Seba's 4~5 cm shorter than Scarlett so the vest looks like a tunic on him. But who knows? Maybe Seba will grow faster and taller than his sister this year!

小謙今年對試穿媽媽打的衣服這件事非常熱衷, 每次先打小若的在試穿時他也要求要試穿, 小若就會叫他不准試她的. 打小謙的要他試穿時, 他都好高興, 穿起來還會擺 pose 呢! 當他穿著完成品去給 (嫌小若的蕾絲背心嫌得很的) 外婆看時, 外婆竟然沒再多嫌, 跟小謙說: 好漂亮好漂亮, 小謙穿起來好帥唷!

Unlike the previous years, Seba's very keen on fitting. Everytime when Scarlett's fitting, he would come around and ask me to give him a fitting too, with Scarlett's garment, but Scarlett would prohibit him from doing so. Everytime I ask Seba to come for a fitting while knitting his vest, he was always very very happy and always posed in it. Surprisingly, when Seba showed grandma his finished vest, grandma didn't express anyore dislike and said to him: it's very pretty and you look very handsome in it!

Seba was very, very happy!





Lace Vest for Scarlett 小若的蕾絲背心


開始日期: 2009/12/18
完成日期: 2009/12/23
圖樣: 採一塊半開襟外套右前片花樣
線材: Mondial Prima 100% 美麗諾
顏色: 103 粉紅色
針碼: 4mm (日規 6 號)

Lace Vest

Start date: 2009/12/18
Finish date: 2009/12/23
Pattern: Adapted from the right front of Dollar and a Half Cardigan by Veronik Avery
Yarn: Mondial Prima 100% merino
Color: 103 Pink
Needle: 4mm (JAP 6)

線是前年 (2008) 打的麻花格子開襟外套拆下來的, 照圖打結果身體寬度剛好, 長度太短, 袖子卻超長, 被老媽嫌到不行. 我還蠻喜歡這組粗線, 奇怪的是這顏色剛好鬆緊度很難抓,織片打出來跟衣服打出來差很多, 結果比織片硬很多...

The yarn for this project was recycled from Trellis I knitted in 2008. It was knitted following the pattern instructions, but the body was just fit, the length too short, and the sleeves way too long. My mother disliked it. I like Mondial Prima, one of my favorite aran weight yarns, but the gauge from the knitting was very differnet from the swatch, and the knitting was stiff...I worked with other colors of Mondial Prima, all was nice except this pink one. Very strange.

背心打起來不難, 只是先打小若的, 進度比較慢, 得邊打邊調整, 即使針數長度事先算好. 剛打好試穿時發現袖口領口羅紋邊收得不夠緊, 感覺很鬆垮, 被嫌...拆開重收後好多了. 這組線粉紅色打成衣服很硬且鬆緊度差, 所以背心變得不夠寬, 穿起來很合身, 加上小若的大肚子, 看起來就更緊, 又被嫌...(去年打的小小短短, 今年打的小小長長), 但是小若非常喜歡, 穿上去捨不得脫下來, 老媽只好加一句: 很漂亮很漂亮啦~

The vest was easy to knit, but it progressed slowly for I was knitting it the first time, although I had taken notes of all the stitch counts and measurement before hand. I had to modify a little here and there along the progress. When the vest was finished, the bind-offs of the armholes and collar weren't tight and neat enough, thus left the vest looking untidy and loose, my mother disliked it a lot. It was much better after redoing. This pink Mondial Prima knits up stiff and has less give than other colors, which resulted in a less roomy vest, or a fitted one, as Scarlett has a tummy, it looked smaller and tighter than it should, my mother disliked it even more, (...you knitted small and short last year and small and long this year...), but Scarlett loves it and didn't want to take it off, so my mother had to add: yes, yes, very pretty, very pretty indeed.

這件背心花樣來自一塊半開襟外套的右前片, 原織圖所用毛線粗細與這組雷同, 只是一塊半開襟外套是長外套, 如用粗線打穿在我上看起來會再肥十公斤, 所以當初用細一級的美麗諾真絲混紡線打, 效果很不錯, 只是那組線很會起毛, 前年 (2008) 還是新線時就邊打就邊起毛, 更何況去年拆掉重打一次, 打完衣服就已經有一片毛球層...拆兩小格子麻花開襟外套時, 就想不出來要打甚麼花樣的背心, 看到一塊半開襟外套, 忽然想合步將右前片的蕾絲+麻花樣用在背心上? 不過麻花我打在兩側, 因為想要在大面積展示那個蕾絲花, 效果很不錯.

The pattern for this vest comes from the right front of Dollar and a Half Cardigan by Veronik Avery. The yarn used in the original pattern is close to Mondial Prima, only that Dollar and a Half Cardigan is quite long at length and if knitted in aran weight, I would look like I'd put on another 20 punds wearing it. So I used a silk/merino blend DK weight yarn and the result was nice. The down side of that yarn is that it piles up very easily. It piled already as new yarn while knitting it for the first time (2008), so when I ripped and reknit it last year, the finished cardigan has a rough layer of piling on the surface. When I was ripping out the twins' Trellis, I didn't know what kind of vest to knit, and then I thought the right front pattern and design of Dollar and a Half Cardigan might make a nice one. I decided to put the cables at the sides for I wanted to demonstrate the texture and pattern of the lace on a larger knitting, and it looked good!


