去年十一月就知道兩小幼稚園要舉行聖誕嘉年華, 其中有親子變裝走秀的節目. 我最不會弄這種事情. 完全不知道該怎麼辦. 好在若給了很明確的需求: 紫色, 泡泡袖, 蓬蓬裙, 跟公主一樣. 這樣好辦, 馬上決定打件娃娃裝給她. 反正娃娃裝是計畫中要打給她的.
Went to LYS and picked up some bargain pure wool yarn in mauve and cast right on. I kind of develop the pattern along the way. There were two inspirations: Sourpatch and Minisweater.
某個週六去了宏昌行買了六球蘇菲雅純羊毛線, 主要是便宜, 粗細適宜, 打起來快又好看, 顏色選擇多. 娃娃裝的花樣是邊打邊想的, 不過基本上有兩個靈感來源: Sourpatch 和 Minisweater.
Used tubular/invisible cast-on for a thin 1x1 ribbing for collar. Ripped the first puff sleeve for I increased too fast and made it right the second time. Applied Feather and Fan lace pattern for the skirt and knitted long enough to make it tunic length. Between the yoke and skirt I made eyelet rows.
我用彈性起針打一條細窄的1x1羅紋邊在領口. 第一次打泡泡袖有拆, 因加針加太快, 第二次就 OK. 下襬用羽扇蕾絲花打到蓋住臀部. 胸部和下襬中間有打幾排作小洞眼.
The ribbon laced through the eyelet was the ribbon tied on Scarlett's first birthday cake.
Soft Feather Super Wool *5 蘇菲雅純羊毛 5 顆
Puff sleeve taking shape 蓬袖成型中
Puff sleeve 蓬袖
Thin 1x1 tublar ribbing at the collar 領口細窄1x1羅紋邊
Feather and Fan skirt 下襬羽扇花
Babydoll Tunic 公主娃娃裝.
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