
Fugue 賦格

Fugue by Kate Davies
Lana Grossa Cool Wool Merino Superfein in 444 (dark heather gray) & 412 (medium heather gray)
3.25 mm & 3.5 mm needles
Tam: 2011/11/5~7
Mittens: 2011/8~13

My cousin Dolly went to Tokyo to fulfill her dream: study Japanese in Japan.  She left Taiwan in late September when the weather was still warm. I was thinking about knitting her something to keep her toasty up there in winter. She has plenty of scarves already knitted by her mother, my aunt. So I thought a tam would be nice to keep her head warm but wasn't sure she would wear one. 

表妹到東京去念日文了. 九月底過去十天氣還熱. 那時我有在想是否要打個什麼東西給她,日本東天很冷的. 圍巾她已經有很多條, 都是阿姨打給她的, 所以當時想帽子應該是不錯的選擇, 只是不知道她戴不戴帽子而已.

After she settled down and started her classes the weather changed. My aunt commissioned me to knit a tam for her, preferably  a stranded one. Exactly what I had in mind! And Fugue almost came up immediately after mu aunt and I had the conversation. I sent the picture to both my aunt and cousin, to make sure she likes it (more on that later), and bought the pattern. Then went shopping for yarn, which was easier than most of the time for Dolly likes gray scale colors, and these Lana Grossa Cool Wool Merino Superfein grays were calling out to me!

表妹到東京一陣子後, 天氣開始冷了. 阿姨就請我幫她打個帽子, 因為她走路上課, 東京冬天風大, 吹得頭很痛. 真是剛好, 我就想打帽子給她. 打的帽子還希望是配色的. 一說到配色馬上想到賦格. 我還先把賦格的照片給阿姨和表妹看, 確認她有喜歡, 才下單買織圖. 再來就是去買毛線. 這次買毛線輕鬆多了, 因為表妹喜歡灰色系, 且這組 Grossa Cool Wool Merino Superfein 的線看起來不錯, 也有好幾種灰色可選.

I followed the pattern religiously. Really. I listened to Bach's Fugue while knitting the tam and mittens as suggested by Kate Davies. Seriously, it calmed me down almost immediately and I didn't make any mistakes on the stranded work! The stranded work looks way more difficult then it really is, and it was a joy to knit listening to Bach's Fugue.

我完全依照織圖打, 甚至遵從設計師 Kate 的建議, 打的時候要聽巴哈的賦格. 因為設計賦格的靈感證是來自巴哈的賦格. 真的, 一聽賦格馬上就可以靜下心來打, 且這個配色花樣看起來很複雜, 但打起來一點都不困難, 也許跟聽了賦格心靜有關係? 總之, 聽巴哈賦格打賦格真的是件很享受的事.



I even like the inside of the tam. The stranded work looks equally fascinating.

連反面我都喜歡. 這個配色花樣即使在反面也是一樣的令人覺得讚嘆.



When knitting the second mitt, I totally forgot to do the stranded work by reversing the chart, and didn't realize that until both mitts were finished. Luckily it wasn't too obvious when they are worn. 

打第二隻手套時完全忘記花樣要反過來看, 兩隻手才會對稱. 等到打完以後才發現, 還好帶起來沒有很明顯不對稱.

Introducing Dolly with Fugue in Shinjuku, Tokyo.


*** Dolly is very specific with her things. If you bought her something without making sure it was her style, her color, she would not even touch it. That's why I had to send her the picture of the pattern.

表妹對東西有很明確的要求. 如果妳買個東西給她沒有事先確認是她喜歡的樣式或顏色, 她連碰都不會碰的.

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