Cold fronts have been hitting Taiwan consecutively for over a month, and it's getting colder and colder. We were having single digits suchs as 6C in the city. It's really harsh for houses in sub- tropical Taiwan are not equipped with central heating. Although the twins have cashmere berets to keep their heads warm, but the hands were like icicles. I needed to knit up 2 pairs of mitts FAST!
一個月多月來寒流不斷, 越來越冷. 兩小雖有 cashmere 的貝雷帽保護頭和耳朵, 但手還是露在外面, 到了幼稚園都變成冰棒手. 所以我得馬上生出兩雙手套來給兩小.
After searching through Ravelry, downloading and saving many patterns for mittens, I decided to knit Gifted by Kate Gilbert. It's easy to read, to knit and I happen to have some worsted weight leftovers. Scarlett's yarn is leftover from her Babydoll Tunic while Sebastian's yarn is leftover from my Oblique Cardigan.
花了不少時間在 Ravelry 上賴賴索, 抓了一堆手套織圖後決定打 Kate Gilbert 的 Gifted. 簡單好打且剛好有點的剩線可用. 若的是她泡泡袖娃娃裝剩的線, 謙的是我斜斜開襟外套剩的線.
They took me an afternoon and a night. Actully Scarlett's 1st mitt took me most of the afternoon, for I ripped 2 times. I wanted to make it right. Not to big but has to have a little room for growth, and not to tight then it could only be worn this season. After Scarlett's 1 st mitt, it was as easy as a breeze.
2 雙手套花了一下午 + 一晚上. 其實若的第一隻花了幾乎一下午, 拆了兩次, 我想把它弄對. 我想打有一點鬆分可以讓手掌大但又不能太大, 太小了就只能待這兩個月. 若的第一隻弄清楚後, 後面 3 織就很輕鬆了.
And I enjoyed knitting them! I wanted a pair for myself!
這手套打起來很好玩, 我自己也想要一雙!
The right hand thumb is 2 rows longer than the left. 若右手拇指比左手多兩排.
Sebastian's thumbs are 2 rows shorter than Scarlett's. She has longer fingers. 謙的拇指比若的少2排.若的手指比較長.
Actually, I wanted to knit stranded mittens or mittens with motif (Hello Kitty, Totoro etc.). But as it was emergency, so I had to knit with solid colors.
其實, 我是想打配色或是有花樣的 (Hello Kitty, 龍貓等等), 不過這次是急著要戴, 所以先打素色的囉!
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